Style Me


Style Session

Your style, My stamp. Book an exclusive 1 -on- 1 with me! Anything from a little fashion advice to a whole new wardrobe. Whether in store, at your home, or via video chat, my styling sessions are fun, fast, and affordable. It’s the ultimate styling and shopping experience.

Store Support

If you are shopping for something special and would like some support with navigating the right stores and putting the right pieces together, I’m here to help! We will shop the stores together to find the right pieces for you.

Closet “Collab”oration

Would you believe me if I told you your closet is actually your best-kept shopping secret? Most of the time your closet already has what you need, but you don’t recognize the value of the item you onced loved enough to buy. That’s why you need my stamp to bring back the flair in your style! I’ll stop by for a visit to sort through your closet and create some beautiful pieces from what you already have.

Virtual Session

Too booked and busy to meet in person? No problem at all. I can help you navigate your fashion problems from wherever you are. Let’s meet up virtually so I can answer all your urgent questions, offer any suggestions, and/or share some helpful tips.